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Table Of Contents

Author’s Preface …………………………….........................…...  xi

Introduction  ..............................................................................  1

Essay 1:

What is Modernity?  ....................................................................  5

Essay 2:

What is Religious Fundamentalism?   …....................................  25

Essay 3:

The Islamic Vision of Sir Syed …................................................  41

Essay 4:

Religious Pluralism and Islam ....................................................  61

Essay 5:

Tolerance and Islam .…............…..........................................….  71

Essay 6:

Democracy and Islam ..……......................................................  117

Essay 7:

The Concept of an Islamic Economic System …......................  145

Essay 8:

Interreligious Marriage and Islam .……………....................…...  169

Essay 9:

Sex Morality and Islam …..........................................................  179

Essay 10:

Modern Penology and Islam .………..…......................…...........  191

Concluding Dua’s .....................................................................  199

Appendix 1:

About the Author ………………........……........................………   201

Appendix 2:

The Quest For The Meaning of Islam ……….......…....................  205

Index …………………………………………………….....……......  273

Latest Book: The Call of Modernity And Islam
Table Of Contents

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