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Table Of Contents

Author’s Preface  .................................................................................  xi

Part A: Stages of My Life 

Chapter 1:

ROOTS: With Humility and Gratitude  ....................................................  3

Chapter 2:

ALLAHABAD AND ALIGARH: Early Education  ......................................  9

Chapter 3:

CAMBRIDGE: Free Enquiry  ..................................................................  31

Chapter 4:

FROM A.M.U. TO LOK SABHA: Wider Horizons  ..................................  51

Chapter 5:

ALIGARH ONCE AGAIN: Slow Maturity, Part I  ................................….  77

Chapter 6:

ALIGARH ONCE AGAIN: Part II  ..........................................................  109

Chapter 7:

HIMALAYAN RETREAT: Discovery Of Self  ….....................................  129

Chapter 8:

THE INNER CALL:  Contented Self  ....................................…............  139

Part B: My Image of India

Chapter 9:

India in Medieval Times  .......…...........................................................  157

Chapter 10:

British Rule in Modern India and the Transfer of Power in 1947  ….... 189

Chapter 11:

Candid Reflections on the Indian Political Scene, 1947-1992  .......…  211

Chapter 12:

The Dream of an Indian Muslim  …...……...............................…....…  249

Appendix 1:

About the Author  …………................................................................. 259

Appendix 2:

Some Random Personal Memories Of A.M.Khwaja  …….................  263

Appendix 3:

Some Letters addressed to the Author  ……………..........................  297

Index  …………………………………………………..............…..........  303

Latest Book: The Vision of An Unknown Indian Muslim

Table Of Contents

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